There, in the meadow under the witness of only the stars and a partially lit moon, Brad knelt before me. I instinctively dropped to my knees to look into his eyes. He placed both his hands on my face in a gentle embrace.
“Talia, in this life I choose you.” Tears streamed down his face. Pushing through his choked voice, he continued, “I need you to know that I have tried. I have never loved another as I have you. I probably never will. Tomorrow I will commit to spending the rest of my life with Suzanna, but you need to know that I chose you.”
I nodded my head to acknowledge the words that ate at the core of my being. I knew that I wielded the power to affect the destiny of his next moment. I reached across to embrace his face. I leaned forward and placed my forehead on his, closed my eyes and said the only words I could, “Marry her.”

Title: Wantin
Author: Truth Devour
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Fate is relentless in its pursuit of Talia Jacobs. Presented with unimaginable turns of chance, she is drawn into the depths of tragic losses then catapulted to the extraordinary heights of life’s joy. Take the journey with Talia as she undergoes her sexual, social and physical metamorphosis from a vulnerable girl into a mature young seductress. Nothing in life is ever as it seems. Is she blessed or cursed? Will she ever find the man who will love her like no other, fearlessly caressing the deepest part of her being while intertwining his soul to hers in a dance that holds the unspoken promise of forever?

Truth Devour is the pen name of an Australian born author who has published works available through various online stores. The pen name Truth Devour was created from the authors life philosophy of devour thy own truth. It stood as a reminder that in a world filled with deception, misleads and lies one should consider ensuring never buying into a false portrayal of themselves. Lie if you must but never to yourself.
Devour thy own truth ~ embrace it ~ live it ~ love it.
Truth Devour has been telling stories, writing them, dreaming about them before she could crawl. She has immersed herself in all elements of life that stimulate the imagination and inspires her creative expression. Writing, reading, music, poetry, photography and painting are just a few of the spaces she tends to dabble within. Its her passion & a joy.
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Wantin – Youtube Book Promo
Wantin – Youtube Book Promo